When I quit………
How would I like to go down in history? How would people behind me remember me, if they must?
Someone who led a normal sedentary life? Or someone who was impulsive, unfocused, selfish, and impatient? Or someone who contributed his bit to the society! Or well…….
These are the questions that sometimes blur my vision and I become restless.
Did I do something that had added value to my life portfolio? Could I have done something better? Did I hurt someone? Do I care? Did I make enemies?
Did I enjoy my life? Did I do what I had always wanted to do in my life? Was I sincere, honest and friendly?
Did I travel and meet various peoples, encounter different cultures and feel the fragrance of foreign shores? Was I receptive to new ideas, new languages, new religions, and new concepts? Or I just lived the whole life within the cocoon of my own making? Or was I being orthodox, hypocrite and plain stupid?
The questions are endless, answers elusive and time not on my side.
Drawing your own balance sheet and writing your own epitaph or elegy and eulogizing your own efforts during your lifetime may be worth a try …..
I can still have a designer obituary. You know how?
I can work towards it….. I am still alive and kicking.
I still have time to change my story that people may tell once I quit.